
Three Graces Found in Your Friends (Joy Dare)

Joy Dare Day 28

encouragement: my dearest friend are always there to bring me words of hope. I think the most famous is "I know you're scared, don't be scared." They cry with me, sit with me, and bring me the joy that I feel I lack. They listen intently as I verbally vomit all over them and sink into their couches. They take calls late at night and send awesome text messages. Their words of hope have carried me through a lot. 

challenging: my friends don't ever let me settle and I love that. Ok, at times I hate that, but I know they won't let me become complacent or apathetic. They challenge me to take risks, to think outside my own box of thinking, and to never be complacent. The sharpen me and while many times I want to poke back - I think they know what they are doing. 

laughter: I love to laugh. I love to tell jokes. Even more - I love when my friends get my jokes. They understand me and my sense of humor and play up to it all the time. Sometimes, the best friend lets you laugh about stupid things when you aren't ready to process the deep stuff. That is how Sol and I created our Hawk Training venture to attack the pigeons. 

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