
A Grace in the Kitchen, a Grace in the Weather, a Grace that Might Never have Been (Joy Dare)

Joy Dare Day 19 

kitchen: Juice. During this week I have been painfully sick. I have been coughing a ton and my head is spinning. I am so thankful that we can have juice in our fridge. It calms my throat and is about the only thing that I want to drink.

weather: The night edging back. Every day night creeps a bit farther back so now instead of it being almost pitch black at 4:55 pm it is now pushing towards 5:30. That may not seem like a big deal to you, but when you don't get home until 5 almost every day, it is nice to have daylight hours at home. I really enjoy having it begin to be lighter later. It means that summer is almost here.

might never have been: living with Michelle and Jessica. It was definitely orchestrated by God that we live together. All of us wanted teaching jobs and back in March there was a quick idea that we all peruse this recruiting thing in San Bernardino. It seemed like a faint idea at the time but by June we all had interviews within the district. But then we needed jobs - anyway long story made less long, we didn't have to get placed here. We could have ended up all around California but God but us here together to live in community, to pray together, to laugh and cry together, and I have never been more thankful for a set of roommates.

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