
Long Road Ahead

For one of my 25 goals this year, I am going to run a 5K - well actually two - one at the beginning of the year and one towards the end. I have about two months until my first ever 5K race. I don't typically run let alone participate in organized running, but I want to get in better shape this was the easiest to do with my busy schedule.

I was doing pretty well before I left for Urbana, but because of the conference itself and then getting majorly sick right after, I haven't run since late December. I finally started training again and I felt like I wanted to die (or at least stop running and cry). I hope it was due to jumping back in even while I'm still recovering, but I feel like I started over. Not that I have any clue really what I'm doing (ok I have some idea how to train well and there is a plan involved) but it will still feel like a miracle if I pull this 5K off.

I don't really know what the picture has to do with running really, but I feel like I'm the T-Rex here, trying to achieve the possible. And you know, a genie in a bottle wouldn't hurt either.

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