

Dear my last job,

I am done with you. I have been done with you physically for a long time since I no longer work there, but I am done with you totally. I am done letting my failure with you control and dictate my life. I am done believing lies about myself that aren't true - that I'm not good enough, that I'm not dedicated enough, that I'm not talented enough, that I'm not passionate enough. That I'm just not enough. I am going to call them for what they are - lies. Lies meant to tear me down and I will not be believing them any more.

The point is I'm done with letting that one major failure run my life. Time to move on. Oh no, I won't be forgetting what happened any time soon, I'm sure that will stick with me forever, but time to move from the nightmares, from the depression, from the lies, and from crippling effect I wish you still didn't have on me. You can just pack your things and leave.

You may try to bring me down now but I know I'm good enough. I know I'm worthy. I have a God who tells me that when I don't want to listen. I have friends who tell me that when I don't believe. I have family who stands by when I'm surrounded by your arrows. Trust me, your power over me is over. It's time to start living again, and living the way God created me. Living like the person who God created me to be.

Watch out world. A new Melissa is coming. The 25th year is going to be awesome.

And I'm totally going to need reminding of this later and that's why I wrote it down. 

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