

When I was a freshman in college, our fellowship did a study on Daniel. I don't really remember much about it because, well I was a freshman. But yesterday one of dorm bible studies I help supervise did their bible study on Daniel and I was blown away. I had forgotten how amazing Daniel was.

We studied how Daniel had humbled himself before the chief official and asked permission not to eat the king's food. And when he had done so he was healthier and better nourished than any of the young men who ate the royal food. It later says that God gave knowledge and understanding of all kinds of literature and learning. And Daniel could understand visions and reams of all kinds.

As a group we had decided that because Daniel was so humble and obedient to the Lord, there was room for God to fill him with more. This struck me because I often ask God to fill me with more - more wisdom, more understanding, more vision, more love, etc. But I wonder if the reason I don't feel I have more is because there isn't much room left for God to fill. That I have filled my life with junk that there is no room for God to pour out what he could.

The other men ate the choice food and they weren't seen as unhealthy but they were not nearly the nourished that Daniel and his four compadres were. Because they had emptied themselves, God was able to fill them with himself. I wonder if our pride keeps us from being filled with what God has because there literally is no room left for God. We become so full of ourselves and full of other stuff, that there becomes little room for God to do work in our own lives. 

Just a short reflection today. But I did manage to find our video we made when I was a freshman in college of a modern day take on Daniel. Please - enjoy. 

Part 1

Part 2

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