
Three Yellow Things that Strike You as a Fresh Memory (Joy Dare)

Joy Dare Day 11

In general this day is very difficult because I am not a big fan of the color yellow - let's be honest it does't look good on me. But I like that I have to look for yellow things that strike me as a fresh memory because I have to find the good in what I traditionally dismiss.

bananas. We always have bananas at our apartment. I don't know why it strikes me as a fresh memory but I guess I never really liked bananas growing up and suddenly in college I seemed to turn over a new leaf.

sunrise. I see a lot more of those lately since I get up so early. On the mornings that I don't feel still plagued by exhaustion or thinking of the ten million things I need to get done, I realize how beautiful a sunrise is. It reminds me of driving to Santa Maria for student teaching and seeing the sunrise over the ocean.

sunflowers. I love taking pictures of flowers. Love it. There is much else to say about this.

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