

Today is my birthday. I typically love birthdays. I'm the one who usually thinks about my birthday a full month in advance. I love having parties but as a December birthday, parties are quite difficult to come by. Well it's that there are just too many parties happening that trying to fit a birthday celebration in the midst of them is never easy. I have had some great celebrations, I loved having friends over last year to eat pizza and watch Fast and the Furious, or when my students took ice skating, or when my college roommate planned me a surprise 21st birthday party.

But this year I wasn't ready to celebrate. I wasn't afraid of turning 28. I've actually been kind of excited to be in my late 20's. I just wasn't in the celebratory mood. A small part of me wanted to skip over my birthday because the last several months have been hard. There were things from this year that I just didn't want to celebrate. But in the midst of the hard things, there were many things worth celebrating - things that have brought me great joy. So on my birthday, as I turn 28 years old, here are 28 different things in which I am grateful for:
  1. New friendships. 
  2. Friends who sacrificed their time, their energy, and their sleep to be with me.
  3. Travel and adventures. 
  4. Encouraging text messages and phones calls 
  5. Beds that are comfortable and safe 
  6. Family and friends that might as well be family
  7. Therapy 
  8. Students who take risks and are open to Jesus transforming them 
  9. Being outside! Hiking and long walks, going to the mountains and the beach 
  10. Books and books and more books 
  11. Beer 
  12. Star Wars
  13. Sharpie pens and journals 
  14. Words that greet you like a friend
  15. Donuts 
  16. Mentors and supervisors who lead and develop me 
  17. Easting, laughing, talking, and staying way too long at restaurants 
  18. Running 
  19. Thoughtful gifts and gestures 
  20. Music 
  21. Boba
  22. Friends who let you rant, yell, cry, laugh, and sit in silence 
  23. Travel and adventures 
  24. Cameras for capturing beautiful scenes 
  25. Scripture 
  26. Watching movies with friends 
  27. Hope for the future 
  28. Another year of life

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